Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A story

Today, I ain’t gonna tell about the fourth day but a small story, a day dream I had may be. A dream had when I was in ‘different world’. I’m lying on my bed, thinking of few things which are bothering me, but suddenly my mind starts thinking about a rocky mountain in Bhutan, huge one, so huge that it’s masking the sun. I’m walking on the road on that mountain. People start coming in two lines on either side of the road. I closely see to find out who they’re. They’re the friends I made, people I saw in Bhutan. Kids, Old people, monks, young men and women, everyone! They all are looking at me, smiling at me. I’m puzzled and try to understand what’s the meaning of their smile? On looking at them again, I understand they’re calling me, they’re calling me to their land. They say in their language, ‘This is the place you were looking for all your life, it’s here, come join us’! I turn to them, think for a while and turn back. Up ahead, I see my near and dear ones. I stop walking, I’m shocked to see them there. Then my mind tells me, there’s your family, there’s your friends, you belong there, go there. I tell my mind to keep firm, slow steps and walk towards them. I start walking again.

Behind me, all those people are gathering together, making a huge mass of people. One guy who looks like a leader suddenly starts growing taller, so tall that I can see him clearly between all those people. He starts saying something in his language but I’m understanding what he’s saying. He says. ‘This is the place you looked all around, it’s here now, come to us! I just can’t make my mind and I can’t handle it anymore, I cry for help. I begged and begged for help, I ask some faces I see from both sides, whomever I ask, when they start giving me suggestions, I can hear their understanding of my situation than the actual help I needed. How can I tell what I feel? How can I make them see, what I see? Which way should I take? Where do I go?

Can I be lost soul and be happy?

1 comment:

Anasuya said...

Shashi, your dream is wonderful.The style of writing is attractive.